Jakarta EE 11
features and benefits

Jakarta EE 11 marks a significant step forward in simplifying enterprise Java with a strong focus on increasing developer productivity and performance. This release introduces new specifications and major updates to existing ones, ensuring compatibility with Java 17 and optimisations for Java 21.


The new Jakarta Data specification simplifies data access and enhances productivity by separating persistence logic across databases from the model using a simple interface.


The new release supports Java 17 or higher, with unique enhancements for those using Java 21 or above, such as:

New and Updated Specifications in Jakarta EE 11 Jakarta EE 11 Platform Authorization 3.0 Activation 2.1 Batch 2.1 Connectors 2.1 Mail 2.1 Messaging 3.1 Enterprise Beans 4.0 Authentication 3.1 Concurrency 3.1 CDI 4.1 Expression Language 6.0 Faces 4.1 Security 4.0 Servlet 6.1 Standard Tag Library 3.0 Data 1.0 Persistence 3.2 Pages 4.0 WebSocket 2.2 Validation 3.1 Debugging Support 2.0 Enterprise Beans Lite 4.0 Transactions 2.0 RESTful Web Services 4.0 JSON Processing 2.1 JSON Binding 3.0 Annotations 3.0 Interceptors 2.2 Dependency Injection 2.0 CDI Lite 4.1 Updated Not Updated New

Jakarta EE 11 brings significant API enhancements across multiple specifications, incorporating features highly anticipated by the global community.

Key updates include:

  • Java SE Records can now be marked as @Embeddable or @IdClass in Jakarta Persistence 3.2.
  • Validation rules can be applied to Java SE Records in Jakarta Validation 3.1.
  • Jakarta Persistence 3.2 automatically maps java.time.Instant and java.time.Year as built-in types.
  • The use of java.util/java.sql, Date/Time/Timestamp/Calendar and @Temporal is deprecated in Persistence 3.2, in favor of the java.time API.
  • An EntityManager can now be @Injected with a defined Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI) scope in Persistence 3.2.
  • Jakarta Concurrency 3.1 introduces support for Java SE Virtual Threads in managed resources, such as via @ManagedExecutorDefinition.
  • Persistence 3.2 enhances query capabilities with various SQL-like features such as concat (||), union, intersect, except, cast, left, right, and replace.
  • Persistence units can be configured using Java, providing an alternative to the persistence.xml file in Persistence 3.2.
  • Producers can now specify an @Priority using CDI 4.1.
  • The @Context annotation has been deprecated in Jakarta RESTful Web Services 4.0.
  • Specifications for Jakarta SOAP with Attachments and Jakarta XML Binding have been removed from the Jakarta EE 11 platform.
  • The requirement for Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) interoperability has been eliminated.
  • The @jakarta.annotation.ManagedBean annotation is deprecated.
  • All specifications in Jakarta EE 11 have removed dependencies on the Java SE SecurityManager.







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